Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Vik Muniz

           This Vik Muniz artwork is known as Action Photo, After Hans Namuth. The artwork is Muniz's representation of Hans Namuth's photographs of Jackson Pollock in his studio. Muniz utilizes a different outlook on the photograph by using Bosco Chocolate Syrup to recreate it. Muniz finished this artwork in 1997. Although this art piece has aged, its impact is still just as influential as it was when it was first created. I personally find it quite astonishing to see that this man has created such a phenomenal piece of art by utilizing a simple everyday food supplement. The man in the artwork looks as if he's painting. The syrup acts as an excellent visualization to what looks like paint. Overall, I feel that the artwork is quite influential and I am eager to see more works by Vik Muniz. 

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