Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tete de Femme (Head of a Woman) 1962

In the year of 1962, Picasso completed an abstract portrait of Jacqueline Roque producing a multi-perceptional painting. Jacqueline was Picasso's second and last wife. They married in 1961 and he admired her beauty so much, that he decided to complete a portrait of her. I liked this painting because shows different states of her emotions, facial expressions, and features. Beauty and true admiration/love for someone doesn't just exist when someone is smiling. It exist in them as a whole; as an entity. It exist in their tears, voice, lips, eyes, ears, hair, soul, and so on. I also liked the crown he placed on her head. It signifies value, admiration, and honor of her being and role in his life.   

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