Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Jack Whitten

Jack Whitten was an African-American artist who moved to New York in 1960.  Whitten worked during a time where abstract art was popular.  This piece by Whitten is called Satori which is a Buddhist term meaning enlightenment.  In Buddhism satori is a state of having spiritual knowledge and awareness, which frees the person from the rebirth cycle.  Interestingly, Whitten felt as though he was enlightened after creating this piece and that it was a gift from him to the cosmos.  In addition this was also one of his first works that moved to more a geometrical abstract art.  This was also one of his first paintings that used acrylic paint instead of oils.  I like this piece because of the different shapes Whitten used.  In addition there seems to be a lot of motion in this painting which to me signifies some greater power bringing enlightenment.

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