Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tê de Femme

This artwork by Pablo Picasso is called, Tê de Femme (Head of the Woman (1962). I really liked this linocut, because it really caught my eye. This linocut was a portrait of Jacqueline Roque. The work is cubist style, and shows Picassos second wife. Picasso framed the picture so that we just see her head and neck. The artwork looks as if your looking head on at Picassos wife, but then at a closer look you can see that its really two side profiles of women who are staring at each other. The two women are nose to nose. Picasso linocut is executed using bold colors, of black, yellow and orange. I liked how Picasso incorporated the use of negative and positive space in his composition. Picasso was able to create Jacqueline’s hair and eyelashes, using a pale paper to trace the highlights.

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